EnvisionsLive! Streaming Services
Live streaming services via EnvisionsLive! Don't postpone your event any longer, create a virtual event with entertainment, special spea
Since 1995, Envisions Entertainment & Production has built a reputation for producing innovative, fresh, creative events for Fortune 500 companies, public dignitaries and notable wedding couples world-wide. Our team is qualified, creative and passionate about event production. Because of our two decades of industry work, with one call to us, you can tap into our tight network of scenic, production and talent resources.
Wayne Hikiji
Entertainment & Production
Herb Yuen
Decor & Design
Kim McEnaney
Creative Development
Entertainment & Production
Part of the Vision since 2001
Ruth Panopio
Event Manager
Part of the Vision since 2001
Dana HueSing
Scenic Manager
Part of the Vision since 1997
Randy Mariano Warehouse Operations
Part of the Vision since 1999
Bill Westerhoff
Props Fabrication
Part of the Vision since 2005
Raenel Leauanae
Human Resource
Part of the Vision since 2001
Wil Somaoang
Decor & Design
Wanda Sobel
Event Manager
Part of the Vision since 2001
Sheldon Ortiz
Scenic Manager
Part of the Vision since 2002
Sandi Stancil
Accounts Manager
Part of the Vision since 1999
Kihei Kai
Envisions Mascot
Missy Aguilar
Event Manager
Part of the Vision from 1998-2001,
Stephanie Borges
Administrative Assistant
Fireworks Coordinator
Part of the Vision since 2001
Freddie Valentin
Props Fabrication
Part of the Vision since 2002
We're here around the clock making sure the production of your event is nothing less than impressive! From design and concept to coordinating spot light colors and music cues, it's our job to produce only the most creative, detailed, and well executed events.
Our blog is a way for you to track with us, watch how our production process works and most importantly see the results of our creative team.
We love what we do and it's obvious with the pride we take in producing only the most spectacular events.
Check out our blog and learn more about our creative team projects and latest productions!